~Kata Hikmah~

``Orang Beriman yang dipupuk semangat taqwa akan sentiasa yakin bahawa dalam keadaan apa sekalipun dia tidak akan melakukan perkara yang dilarang oleh Allah s.w.t' '

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Abundance Mini-Course Step 3: Smile

read this article...

Islamic Meditation

Abundance Mini-Course Step 2: Thank

Yesterday you began to actively remember and reaffirm that life is good, that life is beautiful. The next step in continuing to cultivate a vibrational state conducive to attracting abundance, prosperity and success is to be grateful.
Gratitude is one of the most powerful and positive emotions a human being can experience, and by actively cultivating gratitude, you begin to radically change the nature of your reality.
want to continue go to this website Islamic Meditation

Friday, December 30, 2011

Mampukah Aku

final exam semakin hampir tapi persiapan dari segi ulangkaji masih belum cukup lagi. mampukah aku untuk menempuh semua ini. 'carry mark' aku dah la tak seberapa. cukup2 makan je. skg mcm2 masalah yang aq hadapi. ditambah lagi x dpt amek ijazah sme2 ngn sahabat2ku. mmg ckup sdih skali. walaubagaimapun, aq perlu usaha dgn lebih gigih n buktikn yang aq bleh. aq tak kan hampakan hasrat kedua ibu bapa aq walaupun mrk dah rse sdih sbb aq x dpt hbskn awal plajrn aq. mak n abah, along mntk maaf krn tlh melukakan hati kalian n x bljr sggh. insyaallah along akan usaha sggh2 n bntu mak abah dimasa akn dtg. doakan along berjaya n permudahkn along tuk jwb exam kali ini.

Final Exam

Apa khabar sahabat semua, semoga semuanya sihat dan dapat menjalani kehidupan ini dengan baik...

Sudah hampir 3 bulan saya tidak meng'update' disebabkan beberapa masalah telah berlaku. Alhamdulillah, hari ini dapat jugak menggerakkan hati nak update blog ni.....

Jika kita tengok pada tajuk diatas berkenaan FINAL EXAM !!!!, pasti semua orang akan rasa gementar, cemas, nervous dan sebagainya.  Memang sudah menjadi lumrah semua orang akan jadi seperti itu. Terlalu banyak cara untuk kita belajar dan ulangkaji. Cuma terpulang pada umpunya badan yang menentukannya. Jika seseorang itu rajin dan berusaha INSYAALLAH dia akan berjaya, tapi jika dia malas dan tidak berusaha memang akan kecundang. Allah S.W.T maha berkuasa dan maha adil. Allah lebih mengetahui mana yang lebih elok untuk seseorang hamba itu. Jika kita berusaha sekuat mana pun tetapi Allah tidak benarkan, kita mesti terima dengan sebaik-baiknya. Kita hanya perlu berusaha dan rajin berdoa dan mendekatkan diri kepadanya. Moga2 doa kita diterima oleh-Nya.

Disini saya ingin kongsikan beberapa tips untuk menghadapi exam. Walaupun tips ini tidak seberapa dan saya pun bukan pelajar cemerlang, moga tips ini akan beri manfaat kepada semua. Pertama semua sedia maklum perlu kepada study lebih awal sebelum exam. Cubalah fahami suatu subjek itu dengan sebaik-baiknya. Insyaallah kita akan dapat jawab dengan baik. Kedua, tidur awal pada hari exam dapat menjana otak dengan baik pada keesokan harinya. Ketiga, semasa bergerak dari rumah ke tempat exam kita boleh berselawat, berzikir dan mohon kepada Allah agar dipermudahkan untuk menjawab exam dengan baik. Keempat, semasa pengagihan kertas soalan kita boleh baca surah as-syarh(surah ke 94) dan baca doa penerang hati. Semasa jawab exam jika terlupa sentiasa la berselawat moga apa yang kita belajar dan hafal datang kembali.

Semoga ianya bermanfaat untuk semua. Mungkin ade lagi tips yang lebih baik dari saya. Tips ini sentiasa saya guna semenjak dari sekolah menengah. Kadang ianya menjadi dan kadang tak. Semuanya terletak pada Allah, jika kita jaga hubungan kita dengan Allah, INSYAALLAH pasti DIA akan tolong tapi jika kita tak jaga, maka kita perlu redho dengan keputusan yang diberikan. Disini saya ingin mohon maaf kepada semua yang mengenali saya atau tak. Mohon doa sahabat2 semua agar saya dapat jawab exam dengan baik kali ini.

Sentiasa perbanyakkan amalam kepada Allah. Salam imtihan kepada semua yang ambil exam.


Abundance Mini-Course Step 1: Remember

Welcome to the mini-course, 5 Steps to Attracting Abundance, Prosperity and Success as part of the Spiritual Excellence Program. We have created this brief mini-course to show you how by making a few simple changes in your life, in your choices, you can begin to dramatically improve the quality of your life instantly.
In today’s lesson, you are going to learn that the fundamental problem we suffer from is one of a loss of consciousness, and that the cure to many of the symptoms we face, such as poverty, fear, anxiety, stress, worry, conflict and confusion, are remedied through the process of remembering. You are going to learn that you can become aware of the paradigm that governs your life, and how you can consciously begin choosing a paradigm in alignment and in harmony with truth, one that will help you rather than harm you.
At the heart of the spiritual problem that plagues humanity is the fact that we have forgotten, and that we forget. We have forgotten who we are, where we have come from, where we are and where we are going. We have forgotten Truth. And this then diminishes the quality of our life on every level. Consequently, we suffer from fear, lack, scarcity, stress, worry, anxiety and loneliness. We suffer from a lack of purpose and a loss of direction in our lives.
Yet as children we intuitively know and are connected to Truth. It is only as we grow in the world and absorb programming from our environment that we begin to lose connection with Reality, and we begin to forget who and what we truly are. Abundance, prosperity, joy and happiness are our natural state. Peace, freedom and divine empowerment are part of the core of our very beings. And it’s time to begin consciously reaffirming that truth.
Despite any negative programming from the world around us, life is intrinsically and fundamentally good. We live in a beautiful and benevolent Universe created by God. And the role of a victim does not suit the believer, for humanity has been honored to stand upright, a noble and dignified servant of the Almighty. Unlike all other animals, human beings alone on this planet possess the potential to know the Divine and become conscious enough to fully realize Truth.
Now, on the conscious path back to awareness and awakening, one of the most important shifts we can make is a paradigm shift.What is a paradigm? A paradigm is a model, it’s a frame. It is the lens through which we filter our experiences in life. And the particular paradigm that you operate from, likely without even your conscious awareness of it, more often than not limits you in every way.
You see, as we grow and develop in the world, our experiences shape and mold our worldview, and without realizing it, we generally develop a limiting belief system. Based on the actions and choices of our parents, teachers, friends, relatives, associates and leaders, we tend to develop a paradigm that is typically based in fear, lack, scarcity and struggle.
This is almost inevitable because most people still operate from a position where the predominant beliefs are that life is hard and difficult, a struggle, and necessitates suffering. Without realizing it, most people struggle against Life. This is because, without spiritual development, we operate from a position rooted in ego, in separation from Life itself.
It’s time to begin changing that belief system, that paradigm. Einstein said that the most important question we can ask ourselves is, “Is this a friendly Universe?” This simple question cuts to the heart of the real question: Do you believe?
The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) narrated that God Almighty has said, “I am to My servants as they think of Me.” Clearly, the first step in changing our experience in life is changing the very foundation from which we operate. A paradigm shift.

Affirm Goodness and Beauty

You can begin by simply remembering that Life is Good. Affirm it throughout the day, early in the morning and just before bed. Just take a few moments, breathe gently and affirm: Life is Good. Life is Beautiful.
Say it. Feel it. Allow it to soak into your cells, into your soul. And the more presence and practice you give this simple activity, the greater and more profound the benefits.
You are more powerful than you realize, and it’s time to take conscious control of your God-given power, your Heavenly trust and honor, and align it with Divine Will rather than allowing the ego to use it to persist in a life which is not reflective of Truth.
Every time you remember, every time you affirm, you are strengthening specific neural connections in your brain and literally reshaping your mind, your spirit, and it is the state of your spirit that determines the nature of the circumstances and experiences that you attract to yourself.
So begin practicing this right now. Step back from the computer for a few minutes. Gently and with presence reaffirm and remember: Life is good. Life is beautiful. Relax. Feel it. Seek the evidence for it. And repeat this process. You deserve this.
Do this consciously at least three times per day. And your world will change.
To your divine success. May you be blessed.